The Orthodox Church had and has an very importance
matter in the history and the culture of the city, in spite of the fact
that Oradea had been dominated for centuries. The archeological avowal
and the old documents prove the existence of the Greek Orthodox Church
beggined since the 18th century. The beggining of the Christianity in our
county coincide with the beggining of the Romainian people and the Romanian
Since then untill the Romanian Great Union from 1st
December 1998 the Orthodox Church had to pass very difficult steps. The
Orthodox Church have had the freedom to organize all it's activities since
that date. Many spiritual establishments were made by the town's bishops:
Roman Ciorogariu, Nicolae
Popovici, Valerian Zaharia, Vasile Coman and the
actual bishop dr. Ioan Mihaltan. The Theologic University have been acredited
since 1st of Octomber 1991. At this time the Orthodox Church in Oradea
has aprox. 16 parishes excluding The Romanian Orthodox Bishopric.